Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

How to know if the’we have bedbugs ?

In recent years, the bad reputation of bed bugs has continued to grow. Once they have infected a place, it is not very easy to get rid of them. The parasite is found in the majority of cases in hotels and other public places. Nothing prevents them from inviting themselves into your home, and into your business either. However, it is possible to avoid arriving at a completely unmanageable situation.

Here are some ways to protect yourself.

Reduce pest breeding grounds

Bedbugs can only proliferate in suitable places. These are mainly those in which disorder and dirt reign. When the infestation is massive, you can contact a Bed Bugs Treatment Company in Paris 7th 75007. Before we come to that, bringing a little order to your home will prevent bedbugs from having a favorable ground.

This is why you will need to vacuum frequently, especially in nooks and crannies.

Remember to go under the beds and behind the headboard, as this is the favorite place for these bugs. If your wallpaper is peeling off, it would be a good idea to repair or remove it. Also check the condition of your socket outlets.

Bed bugs like to take refuge in such places, to multiply in peace. Comb through your entire home to identify any cracks and crevices:

  • On bed frames;
  • Between the plinths;
  • In walls, ceilings, door frames;
  • Etc.

If such flaws exist, they should be plugged. Also check all possible entry points on the adjoining walls, and openings that go inside the walls. Among other things, these are pipes, cables, etc.

These ducts can allow bedbugs to move from one space to another.

Control the objects you bring home

You may be unknowingly the means by which bedbugs entered your home. Indeed, it is advisable to be very careful with the different objects that you bring into your home. Before bringing any item into your home, examine it. Here are some examples:

  • old books;
  • New furniture;
  • Clothes bought at the flea market;
  • Etc.

Caution should above all be in order, with all types of second-hand or refurbished objects. This is especially the case for mattresses. In general, their delivery is done in the same trucks used for the transport of old mattresses. Carefully examine this new mattress that you have just acquired, before bringing it into your home. The ideal would be to require that it be sealed, before being delivered to you.

This reduces the chances of it bringing you bed bugs.

Also, never pick up an abandoned mattress or sofa on the sidewalk. It is very likely that it contains bed bugs. Before loading any item in your vehicle where you suspect the presence of bed bugs, inspect it.

Search your home very often

Your home could very well be infested with bed bugs, without you knowing it. It is for this reason that it is important, and advisable, to carry out frequent searches. This will avoid unpleasant surprises.

To carry out the operation, you will only need a few materials. Here are the most important:

  • A flashlight ;
  • An object that will scrape the crevices, and other mattress seams;
  • A screwdriver with which you can dismantle your furniture, and the electrical outlet plates;
  • Alcohol, window cleaner, and bed wipes;
  • Cotton swabs to assess the type of stains in the crevices;
  • White plastic bags to seal your belongings.

Once you have all this, examine all the places in your house. Those that require the most attention are the tops and bottoms of sofas, upholstered furniture, etc. Go for evidence of infestation such as blackheads or brownheads.

These are usually bed bug droppings, or blood that has dried up. The white dots if you find any are most often the eggs of these pests.

In the event that you find traces of bed bugs, do not stop. call a specialist. Do not forget to also inspect your pet, if you have one.

Also take a closer look at the space it occupies.

Bed inspection

The bed is certainly the place where the famous bugs feel the most comfortable. It will therefore be necessary to inspect it in the slightest doubt. The way to do it is quite simple. Remove all your sheets and pillowcases, then examine them. In case of presence of bedbugs or their trace, wash everything with hot water.

Then move on to the mattress, whose different corners and folds you will examine.

Do not forget the ventilation holes located under the pad, as these are favored places for bed bugs. Then look at the place where the bed base rests on the frame of the bed, as well as the whole bed base. It may well be that a colony of bedbugs takes refuge there, like everywhere else. These can be different:

  • crevices;
  • Screw ;
  • Staples;
  • Bed legs;
  • Etc.

Also think about the wall behind your bed, because these pests like to hide there. The same goes for the wallpaper, not to mention the power outlets. Some Bed Bug Infested Areas Are Hard to Treat. These are among others:

  • The inside of the box spring;
  • Tears in the fabric or holes in the mattress.

Bed bugs like to lay eggs there, which makes accessibility difficult. In such cases, the best thing to do would be to contact professionals. They will then know what to do, or what solutions to offer.

Nevertheless, all infested items are usually wrapped in plastic to be sealed with tape. This is the best way to avoid the spread of bed bugs by wanting to put the package in the garbage. Warn those around you, by putting up a sign on the bed or item concerned.

She’ll mark it as a bed bug infestation, so the problem doesn’t spread to other homes.

Prevent Bed Bug Infestation While Traveling

You may be wondering, where do those bedbugs that infest your home come from?. It may surprise you, but they certainly came back with you on the last trip. During your stay in the hotel, in a train cabin or other, bed bugs can be there.

It is therefore very easy for them to insert themselves into your business, without you knowing it.

Therefore, you have every interest in inspecting this space that you are temporarily occupying. This could help detect the presence of bed bugs. Before checking if the bed is infested or not, put your suitcase on the luggage rack if there is any. This is the best way to prevent these pests from clinging to it.

Once their presence is verified, do not hesitate to notify the reception to request a change of room if possible.

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